What is YOUR HORSE trying to tell you? by Horse Liberty Training April 10, 2021 We might not be able to have a slumber party, but we still need to bond. Want to hang out? Bonding is overrated. Quality time is the best time! Hey, I've got this metallic taste in my mouth that just won't go away. Can I get a little help please? Neckropes beat a bridle any day. Sorry, we can’t go bridleless yet. I said you could sit on me and that I could walk, not that I could handle both at once... We’ll start with the basics… Can’t wait to become a team! I'm pretty sure you can multi-task. We can train each other! You teach me to respond to clicks, and I'll teach you how to be patient. Sounds like a true partnership to me! I'm pretty sure that I'm not the one who needs to learn something today. We might not be running away to join the circus, but we can still put on a show! Maybe a comedy show??? Oh, how I wish you could do tricks. Yes, and you are always the star of the show! Time is Up! Time's up