Mechanical vs. Mental Engagement Webinar by Alternative Horsemanship

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Horsemanship: Mechanical vs Mental Engagement Webinar
“More leg.”
“Outside rein.”
“Head up.”
“Hands up.”
“Sit deep.”
“Sit up.”
“Sit back.”
“Heals down.”
Every single one of these riding behaviors is a symptom or a result of mechanical riding. I can’t tell you how many times decades ago I heard this in my own learning and to this day hear these comments still being taught. And did it help? No. Yet the same phrases are repeated continuously with very little meaning to the student desperate to make changes but seemingly unable to.
Trying to “fix” these unwanted “issues” if you are unaware of your body, physical triggers, the trickle-down effect, and mannerisms in which you compensate is near impossible.
Have you ever considered how you sit, stand, or walk when not around your horse? And how those behaviors affect the quality and stability of your ride? And how your stability influence or limit effectiveness in your aids and communication with the horse?
60 Minute Webinar
Course Content
Mechanical vs. Mental Engagement