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Horseplay & Harmony The Fundamentals Part 2 of 3

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The Horseplay Fundamentals: Part 2 – The Hug, the Smile and So Much More!

In this module, we are going to introduce some really fun horseplay tricks. We will go through both the basic hug and the more advanced hug in the first lecture. From there you will learn about the Stages of Learning a horse goes through while learning tricks and then be able to practice these stages while teaching your horse the Smile (always a crowd pleaser!).

After you have taught your horse a few tricks, you may find your equine friend is starting to get a bit pushy for food rewards. Don’t worry! It is normal this happens at first!! Horses must be taught to have appropriate food manners and we are here to help you with that. We will cover everything from why we use treats, discuss clicker training, which treats should you use, common problems with treat feeding, and the techniques to use to ensure your horse stays well mannered while treat feeding!

We will wrap up this horseplay course by teaching your horse how to move off basic pressure including how to move the shoulder, hindquarters, and ribcage of your horse independently. These techniques will become very important for Module 3!

Learn more about Caylyn Walker and check out her other courses.

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What Will You Learn?

  • Introducing your horse to easy to understand tricks (such as hugs and smiles) that are chosen to increase the confidence and 'try' behaviors you will need for later, more complex tricks.
  • Learning to teach fundamental groundwork skills such as moving the shoulder, the hindquarters, and ribcage.
  • Understand how to deal with food pushiness and what techniques can be used to teach food manners.

Course Content

Welcome Message
Welcome to The Fundamentals Part 2! Remember that the Workbook that you printed off in Part 1 of this series will also be used for this course. If you have lost your copy, be sure to go back to the first module and print it off!

  • The Fundamentals Part 2 Introduction

Teaching the Basic Hug & Advanced Hug
The hug is a super fun and safe trick to teach any horse. It is the first trick I teach any of my horses! In this lesson, you will learn both the basic and advanced hug as well as how you can use this handy trick to catch those difficult to catch horses!

The Stages of Learning
Every horse will go through 4 stages of learning when being taught tricks. We will describe each of these steps in this lesson.

The Smile
In this lesson, you will learn how to teach your horse to smile!

How To Stop Food Pushiness
Food Pushiness is the #1 reason we hear of why people are hesitant to trick train their horses. Here we will talk about how to train food manners to your horse so they don't become pushy!

Moving Off Of Pressure
Moving off of pressure is an essential tool in your toolkit not just to combat food pushiness, but also as you begin to explore more liberty work.

Course Recap
Summarizing the lessons learned in this course,

Student Ratings & Reviews

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3 years ago
I learned so much and Caylyn explains the steps in a very easy and understandable way.
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