(2 Ratings)

Horseplay and Harmony: The Fundamentals Part 3 of 3

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About Course

Welcome to Part 3 of the Horseplay and Harmony Fundamentals course bundle!  In this course, we will build upon the Horseplay concepts learned in the first two parts to introduce more advanced tricks.  Specifically, we will focus on:

  • The look away trick, a trick used for combatting food pushiness,
  • Backing up to a target, the first step to teaching the ‘sit down’
  • And introduce the first method I use for teaching the laydown

At the end of this course will be a final exam for the Horseplay and Harmony Fundamentals Course Bundle!

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What Will You Learn?

  • Learn how to teach your horse to back to a target (in preparation for the sit down), teach the 'look away' technique and also the laydown!

Course Content

Introduction to Module 3
Welcome to Part 3, the final part to the Fundamental series!

  • Welcome to Module 3!

Backing to an Object
The first step to teaching a 'sit down' trick is to get our horses comfortable with backing to an object. We will explore how to do this with our horses in this module.

Teaching The Look Away
The look away trick is a very helpful tool in our toolbox of tricks to teach food manners to our horses. We will explain how to teach this trick in this lesson.

The Lay Down

Module 3 Recap
Recep of the concepts introduced in Module 3.

The Fundamentals Full Course Recap
Fundamentals recap of Part 1, 2, and 3. Course final exam to follow.

Horseplay and Harmony: The Fundamentals FINAL EXAM

Student Ratings & Reviews

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Karissa Bristol
3 years ago
Very good some things were a little confusing when your horse does something that isn't explained and how to work through it
Norma Fay
3 years ago
I’m so happy to find Caylyn Walker. I’m a self taught trick trainer. I taught my Friesian, Magnum, many tricks years ago and am now working with my new Pinto, Zorro. I’m appreciating learning more efficient methods and look forward to learning how to teach many new tricks!! Wonderful course!!
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